Hamline student viewing computer screen with im年龄 of turtle, graphic design software

Digital Storytelling Minor

Create works of digital storytelling to enhance any major

From philanthropy and education to research and international 业务, industries of all sectors increasingly rely on digital technology to communicate their goals, 的优势, 和需要. We've designed the digital storytelling minor to empower you with the technical and aesthetic tools you need to create compelling works of digital storytelling. Whether you study the sciences, 人文学科, 业务, 艺术, 或教育, you'll learn how to translate your research, 分析, and creativity into a variety of digital media forms.

This skills-based set of courses will provide you with the ability to integrate proven literary 艺术s practices with video and audio production tools. In addition to contemporary forms of digital storytelling, you may also study their precursors, 比如电影院, 广播, 漫画小说, 和更多的. When you complete this minor, you will have acquired the aesthetic and technical knowledge needed to create works of digital storytelling in your major field of study.

Enhance your major with valuable skills

With the digital storytelling minor, you'll add important skills to create digital media products, 包括:

  • 音频生产
  • 平面设计
  • 产品设计
  • 声音设计 
  • 视频制作

Digital storytelling platforms 

In addition to being able to translate your research and 分析 into an academic paper or published 艺术icle, you would also be able to communicate your knowledge and research via digital media channels:

  • Informational and promotional videos
  • 音乐视频
  • 播客
  • 社交媒体 
  • 网站

Digital storytelling minor faculty

The digital storytelling minor is an interdisciplinary minor, which means that courses are taught by faculty across a number of dep艺术ments. You’ll learn about other fields of study and work with faculty outside of your major, including faculty in the following areas:


Creative writing

Digital and studio 艺术

English and Communication Studies

Performance, Production, and Community

Take your next step today

Interested in digital storytelling? We’d love to send you information, including more on academics and student life at Hamline.