
HIPAL is a 3-½ year program for students majoring in one of the natural sciences. Students enter the program through an application process in the late fall of their first year. There is no cost to the student and they are not given any formal credit. Instead students gain valuable skills and experiences to help them reach their professional goals and in exchange students are asked to make a multi-year commitment to the program.

Students meet with other HIPAL members, volunteers in natural science careers, and cohort leaders 6-8 times per semester for 60-90 minute sessions. These meetings take the form of seminars, 研讨会, 讲座, and interactive experiences covering a variety of topics that will prepare students for the expectations and opportunities in a professional environment, preparing them to be ‘day one career ready’ upon graduation. Meetings are facilitated by Hamline faculty, guest speakers from the private and public sector, and staff from campus offices like the 职业发展中心.

The structure of the HIPAL program has been developed with the employer’s valued characteristics of graduates 记住. Each semester concludes with a networking mixer with industry and academic professionals.

HIPAL learning outcomes and expected skills

Through participation in the HIPAL Program, students will be able to reflect on their Hamline years and affirm their accomplishments and successes to achieve the goal of being ‘day one career ready’.

The student will be able to clearly identify and communicate their career goals and skill sets.

  • Have you identified your career goals and why you are pursuing these goals?
  • 你有电梯演讲吗, 个人陈述, and personal brand which you have practiced and can easily share?
  • Can you clearly and concisely tie the benefits of your liberal arts education to your career goals?
  • Have you completed an internship and/or research project? Can you clearly and succinctly relate these experiences to your career goals?
  • Do you have a recently updated/current LinkedIn profile with a professional photo?
  • Do you have a recently updated/current resume

The student will be able to clearly exhibit the skills necessary for a successful job search.

  • Do you know the important points for a cover letter and have you practiced writing several versions?
  • Do you understand the importance of networking and how to grow your network?
  • Do you have a network of at least 10 professionals in your desired field?
  • Do you clearly understand the roles, responsibilities, and importance of mentors/mentees?
  • Do you have personal experience with a mentor?
  • Do you clearly understand the job search or grad/professional school application process?
  • Do you have appropriate professional attire for at least 3 interviews?
  • Do you have interview answers prepared and have you practiced them?
  • Do you have questions prepared to ask an interviewer during a job interview?
  • Have you completed at least 10 informational, practice, or formal interviews?
  • Do you understand and have you practiced basic negotiation skills?
  • Do you know the process for professionally accepting or declining a job offer?
  • Do you understand the on-boarding process for a new professional position?

The student will be able to clearly exhibit the professional and life skills necessary for a successful career.

  • Do you know the important points of running an effective meeting and have you led effective meetings?
  • Do you know how and have you practiced writing succinct professional emails?
  • Do you know how and have you practiced preparing and presenting professional presentations?
  • Do you understand the importance of and have you practiced working and communicating across disciplines?
  • Do you understand the importance of and have you practiced working with diverse people?
  • Do you understand and practice responsible social media us年龄?
  • Do you know how to man年龄 your personal finances?
