社会 Justice and 社会 Change student at student research event

社会 Justice and 社会 Change 主要的


Bachelor's degree in social justice and 社会变革  

当我们取代无效的, 不公正的, or harmful social arrangements, we must understand how they came to be. Good social policy and the eradication of social problems are not possible without an understanding of what caused the problem, the barriers that stand in the way of a solution, and the problems a particular solution might in turn create.

With Hamline's degree in social justice and 社会变革, 你会成为一个见多识广的人, 活跃的, 和动态问题解决者. As you build your understanding of societal structures and processes, 以及改变它们的技能, you'll grow in your ability to challenge and change ineffective, 不公正的, or harmful social arrangements.

Internships for social justice and 社会变革 students

We make sure you leave Hamline with work experience in social justice, 社会变革, and sociology on your resume. And the opportunities are boundless. Whether you want to explore a career in community outreach, 公共卫生, 教育, 或更多的, we have internship opportunities for you.

Examples of past student internships include:

  • Alternatives for People with Autism, Inc.,生活技能指导员
  • Arc Greater Twin Cities, planning services intern
  • Chicanos Latinos Unidos En Servicio (CLUES), administrative assistant
  • Child Protective Services of Ramsey County, Child Protection 社会 Services assistant
  • City of Minneapolis, city council intern
  • Elder Voice Family Advocates, intern
  • Frontier Marketing, LLC, marketing intern
  • Hazelden, client administrative coordinator
  • Hmong American Partnership, English teacher and navigator
  • Lutheran 社会 Service of Minnesota, immigration assistant intern
  • Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, volunteer department Intern
  • Minnesota Prison Doula Project, parenting and prison intern
  • Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, 北达科他, 和南达科他州, volunteer man年龄ment and training intern
  • TakeAction Minnesota, economy organizer

社会 justice and 社会变革 news

2024年9月16日 新葡新京娱乐场app下载内幕新闻

Welcome Party for Syeda马苏德

The Department of 社会 Justice and 社会 Change invites you to a welcome party for Professor Syeda马苏德 . The event will be held on Tuesday, 9月17日, on the third-floor balcony of the Anderson Center from 4 to 6 p.m.
2024年6月3日/ 新葡新京娱乐场app下载内幕新闻

Masood's Publication Honored

Syeda马苏德的文章, "Encountering the Global Color Line: Racialized Afghan Identity in Occupied Afghanistan" has received the Best 新葡新京娱乐场app下载 Student paper award from the American Sociological Association's section on Global and Transnational...
2024年4月8日/ 新葡新京娱乐场app下载内幕新闻

Preves is 访问ing 教师 in UK

Professor of 社会 Justice and 社会 Change 沙龙” was an invited, 赞助, featured guest lecturer at the University of Leeds (England), hosted by the University's Centre for Law and 社会 Justice and their Centre for Interdisciplinary...
2024年1月29日/ 新葡新京娱乐场app下载内幕新闻

Preves Interviewed by Reckon 新闻

社会 Justice and 社会 Change Professor 沙龙” was recently interviewed for a piece published by Reckon 新闻 entitled " In the Wake of Gender Affirming Bans, the Inter性 Community Demands Bodily Autonomy ." Here are some highlights from...


Interested in social justice and 社会变革? We’d love to send you information, including more on academics and student life at Hamline.